Friday, September 1, 2017

Resurrection 'DBZ LF2'

Henlo guise. So it seems there are still quite a few of you out there that still exist and play the game and want moar updaets. The community has increased and a bunch of random peoplez I've never seen in the Little Fighter 2 community have joined the discord server to make their voices heard. "I WANT A NEW VERSION OF THE GAEM!!!!11"

FEAR NOT CITIZENS! Hope has arrived. Because I am here.

You can continue to join the discord server and voice your suggestions in the #suggestions channel. But adhere to the rules in the pinned messages of the #suggestions channel or you will be banned from writing in there again. 

I may join the voice channel while I am working and you can join too and talk to me and ask what I'm doing and what I'm working on and shiii~ so ye

Progress will be super slow as I have to set up everything back and I don't even have Photoshop which I used to edit the special effects. (Character sprites are done in MS Paint but the energy attacks and special effects are done in Photoshop and stuffz so ye. Don't expect fast updates so ye. I still have a full time job and other priorities in my life). I shall work on it every once in a while here and there.


  1. so basically ur not gonna start the dbs characters until ur finished with the saiyan android namek and buu saga right?

    1. 🤔
      Why would I make DBS characters?

    2. so ur not adding dbs characters well thats ok but will u make some kind of campaign mode like lf2 stage mode?

  2. Adds goku ssj blue, vegeta blue, golden freeza, beerus, whis and more dragon ball super characters


  3. Great! This has been the best mod of lf2 because it is very realistic please tell me what day they update it

    1. lol it's very realistic? I don't see how but okay. Updates will be posted here on this blog. But "real time" faster updates will be on the discord server

    2. and that page says how I find it?

  4. Ignore the DBS comments. We know how much time and effort it takes with just the main series. Can't wait to see more main story characters! Thanks again.

  5. How long will it take to update it? I can not wait any longer, and it should not be late, it's not as if the game was very difficult to update unlike other games that are even in 3d and update them faster

    1. Idk. It will never be late cause there is no schedule. I'm busy with work and hobbies and stuff. I don't have much EXTRA free time for this mod. But I will slowly start to work on it again after I flesh out some more details and stuff.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. this mod is very played and you look at it as if it were only played by three people, you did not devote time to something very gelial you already made? think about what could be converted, could be the best mod and many people would play it. bamos friend please actively follow the mod and then look at what will become

    4. thanks

    we're glad you're back in the game!
    Sorry don't speack english, I'm French

  7. please hurry bash we love your games

  8. This is a great mod man. I do want a few dbs chars but i know this is hard work and appreciate your work. Can i ask you a few things tho in a pm or something? Id like to recolor ss goku and vegeta hair to blue but i want tk ask your permission 1st. Its fir my personal use and will not be redistributed☺

    1. Thanks! Yeah if you're just doing it for yourself go right ahead no worries.

    2. Man i've spent the last few days recoloring ssj goku and have a ssb :). I ran into some problems though. After i recolored the ssj goku sprites i would run your awesome mod but the extra character i added with the recolored sprites would still show up as ssj goku. I figured out i needed to edit the dat file and to crrt the bmp names but now when i detrans to normal and back to ssj, instead of ssb i get regular ssj goku.

    3. I joined the forum. Can you activate me ☺

    4. Hello. Sorry for late reply. You didn't join the forum as far as I can tell. I shouldn't have to activate you anyways. That would be annoying if I had to activate everyone that joined.

      If you want to know how to make new characters there are tutorials on Little Fighter Empire and stuff. That's where I've basically learned everything I know.

    5. Send me the ssb file for goku please....

  9. If you need photoshop as you said in your post then chek out lfforever site. I saw a photoshop cs6 version there.

    1. Thanks bro, i'm using gamemaker studio 2 and photo filtre 7 to edit sprites as of now. Im a beginner at this so im finding things out through trail and error. Ive got an ingame ssb goku working but as mentioned in the above post there are transformation errors. Is there any way to find the number of which sprite is which? Also do i increase armor values for characters through hex editing or is it within the characters dat file?

    2. Your welcome if I happened to be of any help for you. If you're asking me about .dat editing or hex editing then you are at wrong place. I'm just a lf2 and db lover who plays the game. I suggested photoshop to bash because I thought he don't have photoshop as he mentioned in his post.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. tu vas faire les personnages de dbs ?

  12. Is it possible you release or update it within this year?

    1. Going to go with a 99.9% chance of that not happening.

  13. I think that the new Dragon Ball FighterZ game is the most exiting news dragon ball z had for years!

  14. Is there any chance that you would update lf2 till april or may?

  15. Well, I see that the website has over 500k pageviews.
    I think it's a good time for celebration and the best way to celebrate such a great moment is some update that i would ask for:D

  16. i can't wait for next update :)

  17. Soon we'll celebrate anniversary of the last update, which is not that good as you may think :(

    1. Do u know more less when it will be? This guy is working on it, none information about nothing

  18. Are you going to release more updates? I really liked your mods and I really appreciate you for your work you have done. I liked how you made Goku and Vegeta fuse, which was the thing I liked the most. I was so excited that I even recolored some pictures and made Goku and Vegeta's new forms (that were in DBS), mainly Goku's SSG and Vegeta's SSB. I would really appreciate if you are releasing more updates.

    1. Yeah I will probably release more updates in the future. Next update will be in some months maybe with SS Trunks and a new map

  19. Hey bashscrazy what about broly dbz?


ily poopyzam