Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Krillin Character - Complete



  1. I have no idea. I'm not as motivated to work on this mod especially now that I have more VIDEO GAMES to play. I'll become more inclined on working on them if more people were interested in this project.

  2. You really HAVE to finish this project!! ~A-MAN

    1. But Krillin is already finished! Well not the re-size. but styllies.

    2. Yeah, but I was talking about a whole mod!

  3. Aki não ta dando pra fazer o download arruma isso ae por que to muito afim de jogar com ele

    1. Haha! You're so unlucky! Little Fighter Empire just crashed a couple of days ago. Fortunately for you though, there is an alternative download link right here:


      Haha! Você é tão azarado! Little Empire lutador caiu apenas um par de dias atrás. Felizmente para você, porém, há um link para download alternativo aqui:

    2. Vlw, tem algum link alternativo para o download do Batman???


    4. Eu já baixe mas não estou conseguindo o instalalo no jogo.
      Eu acho q o arquivo de imagem do explodingbatarang está faltando.
      Teria como eu salva-lo ou baixa-lo separadamente?

    5. All the files should be there, If there's a file missing in explodingbatarang then maybe it's firen_exp? You need to have the fire_exp spritesheet from the main game in the sprite\sys\ folder. When you get the error, read what it says and post it here.

    6. Eu chequei e tenho o arquivo firen_exp.
      E o erro é o seguinte:
      Could not Open Wave File

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh okay! I see the error. Copy and paste all the sound files from the batman folder to the data folder. Make sure you don't cut or move them but copy and paste them. I didn't fix the data files completely. The data file thinks there are bat#.wav files in the data folder when there aren't. So just copying and pasting the audio files should work.

    2. Obrigado de novo funcionou perfeitamente.

    3. No problem! I hope you are enjoying my characters! :D

      Thanks to you asking for Batman, I was thinking of updating him a bit with AI functionality and maybe fixing those bugs so other people can install him without errors. SO YE!

    4. Agora eu estou tentando botar o vegeta do lf2 (que voce botou para download com apenas o vegetto, o vegeta e suas transformações) no lf2 original que é onde eu estou botando os seus personagens mas dá esse erro:
      Could not Open Wave File

    5. Sorry, I don't know what the error is, which data file causes the error? Is it only Vegeta that is causing the problem? Also, if it's the download page here:

      that download is outdated anyways. I'm also not making releases for the character anymore. You have to download the actual mod to play with him. But the mod only has 5 characters so you might not like that.

      But if you state the specific problem, I can troubleshoot it. Just saying
      Could not Open Wave File doesn't help. It should say which file. You can always move it to where it's supposed to go if you know how to open .dat files with Data Changer.

    6. O erro aparece na tela de loading e depois de Could no Open Wave File está escrito entre <> o seguinte:

    7. That's part of the mod. Why would it give an error? hmmm... You downloaded LF2 DBZ v0.1 yes? It comes as a .rar file. You extract it and then you play. You don't move files anywhere. The characters aren't meant to be moved or anything. They are meant to be played in that specific mod only.

    8. E eu não estou tentando botar o vegeta que se baixa individualmente, eu estou tentando botar no meu lf2 o vegeta que vem no lf2 que vc disponibilizou para download com os 5 character.
      Estou tentando botar apenas o vegeta pois o outro vegeta não se transforma em SS2

    9. Oh então eu não poderia botar o vegeta do mod no meu lf2?
      Mas teria como eu baixa-lo separadamente, sem ser o que não se transforma em SS2?

    10. If you want to do that you have to modify the files. The characters in that mod were meant for that mod only. They have really high damage values because each character has increased defense as well through HEX editing in the EXE file application. If you want to use SS2 Vegeta you will have to play him in the DBZ LF2 v0.1 only and be patient and wait for the next release.

      Otherwise like I said you will have to edit the files yourself.

    11. Eu não sei modificar arquivos, não sei nem como abrir arquivos .dat então acho melhor ser paciente mas obrigado por me explicar bem direitinho.

    12. Yeah no problem, if you need anymore help don't be afraid to ask.

      There is a language barrier between us but google translate is helping me understand most of what you are writing.

      Anyways, You can visit every once in a while to see updates on my mod and possibly new beta downloads in the future. I have already finished Majin Vegeta :D

    13. Eu também estou usando o google tradutor mas mesmo assim é dificil entender mas até que dá
      E se o Majin Vegeta está pronto então daqui a pouco vai ser possivel fazer o download dele né?

    14. Well he won't be a single playable character but another character added to the mod. Since I just released a version of the mod a week ago. Don't expect to play Majin Vegeta till another 2-4 weeks. I might add Vegeta from the Android saga as well or work on extra combos on the current Vegeta's. I don't want to release another beta of the mod with just 1 new character. There needs to be more expansion and modifications.

    15. Eu estou jogando com o vegeta que não esta no mod e acho q só falta a aura do SS1 vegeta afinal não se pode recarregar o ki com ele.
      E também eu acho que é bem melhor vocé botar para download os personagens separados em vez de mod.

    16. Mas você poderia botar para download apenas o Majin Vegeta em vez de bota-lo junto com um mod inteiro?
      Eu prefiro baixar o personagem separado para bota-lo no lf2 original por que do contrario não daria para jogar no stage mod
      Então por favor bota o download só do Majin Vegeta

    17. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. I am too lazy to edit it for a single character release. If you want to use them in stage mode, you can just bring all the original LF2 characters into the mod. Or copy the mod into the original LF2. Just make the correct edits and adjustments to the data.txt in the data folder.

      But just know that because the characters have been edited for the mod. They have increased damage values. A single punch from SS2 Vegeta or Majin Vegeta does 50 damage when normal original LF2 characters do 20 damage per punch. So they are overpowered against the original characters.

    18. Então não sera possivel jogar com o Majin Vegeta ou Vegeta SS2 no lf2 original, apenas no mod?

    19. You can play with the mod characters in the original lf2. Just move the files and put them in the same place as they were in the mod. Just make the edits to the data.txt file using the mods data lines and it should work.

    20. Eu acho melhor não, eu iria acabar fazendo os dois não funcionarem.
      Mas você poderia botar para download separado os próximos personagens que fazer?

    21. E eu estou tendo outro problema com os mods do jogo little fighter que é tipo um erro de sprites.
      Tipo os personagens não trocam de sprites quando se viram eles apenas andam para tras virados para frente (tipo o michael jackson).
      Eu já pesquisei bastante mas não consigo achar a solução.
      Mas eu acho que é por eu ter instalado o windows 7 pois quando eu tinha o windows xp todos os mods funcionavam perfeitamente.
      Eu espero que você saiba como resolver.

    22. You need LF2 v2.0a. This has mirror sprites. Go to the sprite\sys\ folder you will see each sprite has mirror sprites. This is required along with the exe 2.0a.

      This will allow your graphics card to flip the sprites when facing left. There is a program by "Someone Else" on Little Fighter Empire Forums called Sprite Mirrorer but the website/forum is down.

    23. Quando eu vou para esse forum também dá o erro 403 forbidden.
      Mas se eu baixasse o programa Somwone Else eu poderia jogar os mods?

    24. I already said the forum was down. No, the program do anything to the mod itself. It is just used to mirror the sprites. The benefit of the program is that it can mirror hundreds of spritesheets in under a minute.

      You can mirror the spritesheets manually yourself by just copy and pasting. Naming the spritesheet the same but adding "_mirror" at the end and flipping the sheet horizontally. The problem is this is only good for a few spritesheets. Doing an entire mod of spritesheets would use up so much time and would be so boring.

    25. Então eu só preciso fazer uma cópia, espelhar e então acrescentar _mirror.
      Eu não preciso modificar os arquivos .dat ou alguma outra coisa?

    26. E onde eu poderia baixar esse programa?

    27. Little Fighter Empire is back! Woo!!

    28. Agora eu estou com outro problema...
      Eu estou tentando botar o vegeta v0.81 no meu little fighter 2 e aparece:
      Couldn't create art surface.
      Espero que você saiba como resolver.

    29. Too lazy to look into it right now.

    30. Bom então quando a preguiça baixar veja a solução.

    31. What exactly is the error. Did you make sure to put the folder in the root folder where the EXE file is like it says in the readme?

    32. Also, just a note, that download doesn't even have mirror sprites so when you turn to the left, the sprites will be messed up.

    33. Eu mexi mais um pouco tentando arrumar e na tela de loading ele para de responder na parte do vegeta/SS.
      Não aparece nenhum erro só para de responder

    34. Opa quero dizer na parte do vegeta/SS2

    35. I just installed it on my computer and it worked fine. So I can't help you cause there is no error. That means you installed it wrong.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. BRUH! I'm not sure when the last time you were on my blog. But the Buu saga and Android saga Vegeta's are done and available to play in the latest download! SO YE!!!


ily poopyzam